جميع الاسئلة الموسومة بـ علاج نفسي فحص نخاع بواسير صفائح الدم تقرير نخاع

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سؤال عن ارتفاع الصفائح

انا شاب ابلغ من العمر 26 استخدم علاج نفسي بعد فتره عملت فحص وجدت كريات الدم البيضاء 13 وصفائح الدم 530 وعملت فحص نخاع ارجوا حل مشكلتي وهذا تقرير النخاع عملت فحص كبد وكلى وطحال سليم لايوجد عندي سكر او ضغط اعاني فقط من البواسير من الدرجه الثانيه ولايوجد نزيف clinical history: general weakness Tissue origin: bone marrow aspirate and blood peripheral blood: the red cells are normochromic normocytic the white cells show neutrophillic leucocytosis the platelets show the thrombocyt osis with normal sized platelets peripheral blood counts: wbc=13.8 ×10/L nutrophils=65 % lymphocytes = 30% monocytes =4% eosinopils =1% ht =42% platelet =521×10/L Bone Marrow Aspirate: the bone marrow particles are hypercellular.the estimated M:E ratio is 3:1 the erythroid precursors quantatively increased the erythroid maturation is normoblastic.the granulocytic precursors are qunatitatively increased with normal maturation.blasts are not increased.megakaryoctes are quantitively increased.lymphocytes are quantitatively normal. plasma clls are quantitively normal Iron Stain: stainable Iron is present.Ringed sideroblasts are not seen Bone marrow biopsy: recived is a 2.0 cm core biopsy.the biopsy specimen is slightly hypercellular,the cellulrity is 70% .erythroid precusors are quantitatively slightly increased.granulocytic precursors are quantitatively increased. granulocytic maturation is norml. megkaryocytes are quantiatively increased and present in loose clusters but some with hyperlobulated morphology lymphocytes are quantitatively normal .no evdence of fibrosis Diagnosis: Bone marrow, (aspirate and biopsy) and peripheral blood (smear and hemogram): slightly hypercellular bone marrow with trilineage hyperplasia If no secondary casa for thrombocytosis is identified ,and if persistent, the findings are consistent with essential therombocythema اتمنى من الله ثم منك مساعدتي وعندي سؤال هل العلاج نفسي يزيد الصفائح دمت بود وسدد الله خطاك ...